Interview: 4-Star 2021 Mississippi QB Ty Keyes Covers Gatorade Player of the Year Season

Written by Ryan Wright
Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG
Taylorsville High School quarterback Ty Keyes makes the game look too easy. The 6-2, 205-pound, gunslinger is in control of the Tartars’ offense knowing his leverages and pre-snap reads playing what amounts to pitch and catch against opposing Mississippi defenses. Keyes was a smooth operator in 2019 earning the Gatorade Player of the Year Award for the state of Mississippi after uncorking for 3,721 yards with 41 touchdowns and rushing for another 422 yards on 48 totes with four more trips into the end zone.
Keyes work in the offense helped claim a state championship trophy in 2019, and college programs have responded. The four-star recruit has 10 offers dropped in his lap. To cover the season and his recruiting process, one of Mississippi’s best sat down for a detailed RNG Q&A.
*Click link for Nov. 2019 RNG interview with Ty Keyes
Ty, hopefully it never gets old when people bring up the championship last season because I’m doing it. What did it mean for you seeing the triple-zeros on the clock at the end of the 48-18 title win over North Side?
“It meant a lot to me and my teammates. We worked all summer to that point, and we did not want to let fans down. We had a great second half in that game.”
How did you step your game up in the playoffs taking on other top Mississippi teams?
“My mindset going into the playoffs was win or go home. I did not want to lose letting my teammates or coaches down, so I brought my A-game each week.”
What offensive set did the Tartars run a year ago?
“We ran a Spread with five wide sometimes.”
That’s truly spreading them out. How does the offense fit your style of play?
“My style in that offense, it fits me well. I don’t have to drop back a lot. I can see down the field more and get the ball out on time. My coach does a great job game planning.”
Which areas of your game saw the biggest improvement overall last season?
“It was a process to get back to that point; I was hurt (ankle). But I was getting stronger and getting my timing down with my receivers because of my injury. When I was 100 percent, it was great then.”
What was the toughest challenge you faced on the field last season beyond coming back from the ankle injury?
“The Jackson Prep game. How they lined up their defense, they moved around a lot, was a challenge.”
How did that challenge help you improve as a player?
“My coach told me, I was looking down the field a lot. I worked on that to see the movement of the safeties. I was seeing where the secondary was rolling disusing their defense.”
Which areas of your game are you working on this offseason?
“This offseason I am working on my footwork, reading defenses, and my speed.”
Is there a collegiate or NFL quarterback you watch to learn more about playing the position?
“Lamar Jackson (Baltimore Ravens).”
What is it about Lamar Jackson that you like?
“I’ve watched him since the Louisville days. I like the way he plays. They said he was a running QB, but he can throw it. That is why I like his game.”
A turn to recruiting. How many offers do you have?
Keyes’ Offer Sheet (11): Arkansas, Auburn, Louisiana, Mississippi State, Mississippi Valley State, Nebraska, Ole Miss, Oregon, Pearl River, Southern Miss, and Tulane
*Tulane offered after this interview
Which programs were the last two to offer you?
“Pearl River and Oregon.”
Which schools are showing interest?
“Tulane, Louisville, and Indiana.”
Once the campuses open back up, do you have any planned trips on the calendar?
“Oregon was planned for this weekend and a visit to ULL (Louisiana) was for three weeks ago.”
Last question. My virus buster. What have you been doing to entertain yourself during this time?
“Lately, I’ve been going to the field running routes and throwing.”
Ty, thanks for the time today and good luck with the rest of your offseason workouts until we talk again.
“Thank you.”
Photo credit: Twitter/Keyes family; Ty Keyes