Interview: 4-Star 2022 Mississippi DE RJ Moss has Four Recruiting Visits Set for June

Written by Ryan Wright
Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG
The state of Mississippi produces crazy-athletic collegiate football talent every season and RJ Moss is one of those guys carrying to tradition forward. The 6-4, 245-pound, defensive end was an offense destroyer during the 2020 season earning first team All-Region and second team All-State after compiling 36 solo stops with nine tackles for a loss, five sacks, and four quarterback hurries in nine games played. The Biloxi High School standout has gained even more attention off the field achieving four-star recruiting status with 13 offers extended.
The recruiting process for Moss gets serious in June with two official and two unofficial visits set.
Delivering detail on his spring workouts and upcoming trips, Moss stopped by the RNG Clubhouse.
RJ, you had a fantastic 2020 season down in the trenches getting after 6A Mississippi squads. Looking ahead to your senior season, what goals have you set for yourself?
On the field, I want to do things to put my team in position to win games. Coming into the season, teams are game planning against me; I have to take on blocks so we can win games.
The Indians were running a 4-man front, looks like it was switched up from time to time depending on the opponent. Within the scheme, what roles were you taking on and what were your responsibilities?
It was depending on the team we played. I’d play 5-tech, go outside and contain, or I’d come inside at 3-tech for a mismatch with a stunt to make a play in the backfield.
When the season ended, what did you feel were the strengths to your game?
Playing the run more aggressively. I was more active and aggressive with my hands. My get-off is a strength.
Going into the weight room, what have you been working on getting ready for the 2021 schedule?
I am trying to get stronger with my arms to press off blockers and I am doing power cleans for explosion in my hips. The defensive line is all about hips. If you are strong in the hips, you will play well.
When the 2021 season kicks off where all will we see you on the field?
You will see me at defensive end, defensive tackle, outside linebacker, and tight end.
Did you play tight end during the 2020 season?
No, sir.
Are you excited about getting time in at tight end in 2021?
Yes, sir. I played some during my sophomore year at tight end. I was hurt one game, sat out, but they were going to use me at tight end during that game in 2020.
Which moves are you working on this offseason?
I have some new moves that I am working on. I am working on more hand swipes and more push-pull. Working on playing inside and outside, depending on who I am playing against, when to use finesse or power moves.
With your technique, how are you fine-tuning that part of your game?
With my technique, my coach told me there is one way to beat a double team, drop the knee and attack one player. You drop the knee with the pressure from the other man. I am working on getting skinny through the hole as well.
Have you been to any camps this spring?
I went to the Under Armour Camp back in March and to a Rivals camp in April. This summer I am trying to go to an Alabama camp; their coaches want me to perform there. I am also trying to go to an LSU camp and Auburn wants me there for a private workout.
The Under Armour camp, tell me about your performance at that one.
It went well. It was good going against competition at my skill level. I was learning drills that will help me out.
How did the reps during the one-on-one session go?
I had two reps, played 3-tech in them. During the first rep I messed up and jumped inside too early. But in the second one, I was patient. I could tell he was going outside, and I beat him on that.
Which college camps might you go to this summer?
I am going to Mississippi State on July 30.
Which programs are now showing interest?
FSU and Auburn.
How many offers are you holding?
Which program was the last to offer you?
The last to offer was Marshall.
Moss’ Offer Sheet: Arkansas, Baylor, Kansas, Marshall, Memphis, Mississippi State, Missouri, Ole Miss, South Alabama, Southern Miss, TCU, and West Virginia
Which programs might you visit this summer?
I have an unofficial to Auburn on June 2, and official to Kansas on June 4, an unofficial to Baylor on June 22, and an official to West Virginia on June 24.
RJ, thanks for taking time to mix it up with me today. Wishing you great success with the camps and visits this summer.
Yes, sir. Thank you.
Photo credit: Biloxi HS/Moss family; RJ Moss