Interview: Big 3-Star 2021 OT Ryan Lange Taking a Serious Look at Recruiting Options

Written by Ryan Wright
Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG
As Ryan Lange’s skills and ability to dominate in the trenches have increased, so have the number of wins in the column for Pittsburg High School. The Pirates jumped from a 7-4 to 11-2 squad in 2019 with their now 6-6, 320-pound, left tackle dominating against Division I California defenses. Lange is that rare talent with size, athleticism, strength, and determination to be the best he can be. The blood, sweat, and tears put into his game has brought three-star recruiting status and 12 offers his way so far.
In another visit to the RNG Lab, Lange catches us up on his workouts this spring and summer with insight on his recruiting process.
*Click link for Feb. 10, 2020, RNG video interview with Ryan Lange
Ryan, overall, how have your offseason workouts been coming along?
“They’ve been great. With COVID-19 out there, we’ve been doing the best we can do. I am really happy on how everything has turned out considering.”
What have you been working on with your technical skills in pass-pro?
“I have been working on my speed and being able to get back really fast. I am technically sound with my pass-pro, and I have been learning more from my personal trainer.”
And what about with your run blocking?
“Working on staying low. Because I am tall, the lower I can be the better, and I can be more explosive and faster.”
What has been your workout routine this spring?
“Going to the park and running on one day, the next day I am working out doing chest, arms, and legs in my garage. Now that we have started practicing, I am doing everything.”
Before the season begins, what goals have you set for yourself?
“I want to make the biggest move for myself by working hard. Last season I received an All-State mention, this season I want to receive the accolades; I want a bigger year this year – that would be great. This season I want to show all the colleges what I have turned into since I began playing high school football. I want them to see all my hard work over the years during my senior year.”
Let’s keep with that. Which schools are showing interest heading into your senior season?
“I have been talking with coaches from Duke, Notre Dame, Northwestern, and Stanford.”
How many offers are you holding now?
Lange’s Offer Sheet: Arizona, Arizona State, Cal, Colorado State, Fresno State, Hawaii, San Diego State, San Jose State, UNLV, USC, Utah State, and Washington State
Once campuses open back up, are there any visits you may take, official or unofficial?
“This may change, but I’d like to go to Arizona and USC for official visits. For an unofficial visit, it is a short drive to Cal.”
Due to all the offers you have, I am assuming a lot of college programs are interested to find out when you might commit. Do you have a commitment date in mind?
“With COVID-19 shutting down campuses, I did not take a lot of visits this spring I had planned to take; that is a big part of making my decision-making process. I have no clue right now on a time or date. When I am ready, I will commit.”
Makes sense. As your recruiting heats up and gets more serious, when the time comes and you verbally commit, what will be some of the criteria that goes into that decision?
“I can’t say what my ideal school is, so many to tie into that and not all things are possible. The main three things that I look at 1) how well do I see myself fitting in at that school, 2) my relationship with my position coach, and 3) their academic program; I want to be an orthopedic doctor. Is the program right with me matching my skills – I will take everything into account to weigh the possibilities for myself.”
Ryan, always great catching up with you. Thanks for your time and good luck with the rest of your workouts this summer.
“Thank you.”
Photo credit: Lange family; Ryan Lange at Oregon (March 2020)