Interview: Upside for Big 2020 Canada OT Tyrell Lawrence is Through the Stadium

Written by Ryan Wright
Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG
It is one thing to be a big guy in the trenches at the high school level, there typically are few who can match up leading to a lopsided affair, but it is a whole other thing to be big, athletic, strong, and play with a nasty chip on the shoulder. All the things college football coaches look for in high school offensive linemen, rising Class of 2020 Clarkson North talent Tyrell Lawrence has it.
Lawrence is not the typical high school lineman in any way shape or form. At 6-7, he is ideally sized at offensive tackle, and at 375 pounds, he is a load coming down on run blocks and a mountain to get past for edge rushers. What makes life unfair for opposing defenders, Lawrence is not a statue swiping at ends, tackles, and linebackers, he can move. He has shown his talents throughout the 2018 season at guard and right tackle going up against some of the top teams in the northeast colliding against Archbishop Moeller, Elder, Erie High, St. Ignatius, St. Frances Academy, St. Xavier, Cheshire Academy, and Bishop Sullivan Catholic.
The play against all the squads from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Virginia have given college coaches a reason to head to Burlington, Canada. An offer has been dropped by Howard with Louisville, Illinois, Penn State, and Michigan State, among many others, showing interest.
In an RNG exclusive, I sat down with one of Canada’s best 2020 offensive linemen to learn more about his talents and recruiting process.
Tyrell, you played against a lot of top U.S. competition out of the northeast this season. What was it like for you going up against some of the best talent Ohio, Virginia, and Pennsylvania had to offer?
“It was fun. It was fun competing against them. It was easier than I thought. I played against two five-star defensive ends, I stepped up to the challenge.”
In the past you’ve played on both sides of the ball along the offensive and defensive line, which do you like better between the two?
“I like them equally, both have their pros and cons. On offense, you get to pancake guys and on defense you get to tackle people. I have no favorite, they are both fun to play.”
You worked along the offensive line at both guard and right tackle, between the two, which do you like most at this point in your high school career?
“I like playing tackle better. At tackle, I am on my own island. It is all on me if a defender gets past me.”
What are some of the things you do well at guard as an interior lineman?
“I can push the pile and I get pancakes. I like pulling, you get to knock people out.”
Playing tackle is slightly different, how did that go for you during your junior season?
“You have to be more athletic to play offensive tackle. In pass-pro, you have a little more room to work, I like that. You get cramped up in the middle.”
We’ve talked about some of the things you do well, overall, what are your strengths as an offensive lineman?
“My strengths are run blocking. I stay low and move quick for my size. I love pancaking people on run plays and pushing them 10 to 15 yards down field. For pass set, my reach is a strength. My arms are long, I can punch quick too. I pancake guys on pass-pro too. I see everything. I do not get surprised by much.”
With the offseason here, what are some of the things you will work on with your technique?
“As an offensive lineman, I will work on my first step, staying low, my footwork, and quickness. I have not been playing O-line long; I will work on all of it, stance and everything. I am taking everything to the next level.”
I know it has been a while since the team maxed out in the weight room, do you remember any of your maxes?
“No. I know I squatted 400, but that is all I remember. It has been a while since we tested.”
It is early in the process, but are there any camps and/or combines you might attend this offseason?
“I have none scheduled right now. I might go to an Ohio State camp. I want to camp at the bigger schools that have more schools there so I can be seen.”
With recruiting, you have the offer from Howard, which schools are showing interest?
“I am receiving interest from Michigan State, Penn State, Louisville, Rutgers, TCU, Delaware State, Florida International, Kent State, Illinois, Liberty, Rice, Fordham, Richmond, Stoney Brook, Northern Arizona, and Maine.”
Have you taken any unofficial visits yet?
“No. I was planning on going to Louisville but it was too far. I hope to visit there this offseason.”
For recruits coming out of Canada, there is a lot to overcome with college coaches. How do you feel you are as good if not better than some of your U.S. counterparts as an offensive lineman?
“I feel I have the anger when I play other recruits do not have. I am more aggressive than other linemen and there are not many are built like me. With how I was raised, I have the drive to make it to the NFL to help my family.”
Last question, how cold is it where you are in Canada right now?
(Laughs) “It is not that cold right now. It has not snowed that much yet. I think it is 5 degrees outside.”
Not that cold? That is very cold for me (he laughs). Tyrell, it was great learning more about you today. I appreciate your time. Good luck with your offseason workouts.
“Thank you.”
Photo credit: Clarkson North HS; No. 75 Tyrell Lawrence