One to Watch Interview with 2021 California OG Shancco Matautia

Written by Ryan Wright
Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG
Finding interior linemen who like to mix it up in the trenches is never easy for college coaches. One rising Class of 2021 offensive guard who loves mixing it up on the inside is Shancco Matautia. The 6-2, 300-pound, lineman emerged during the 2018 season as a prospect to watch out of Carson High School leading to an RNG exclusive interview.
Shancco, how did your sophomore season on the field go?
“Great. It was a good season. I have things to fix and things to learn, but this last season was great for me.”
The Colts offense was balanced. At this point in your career, which do you like doing better, run or pass blocking?
“I feel like my pass blocking is better at this point.”
What are the strengths of your game as a run blocker?
“My strengths are getting to the second level and hitting linebackers and clearing the pile.”
And as a pass blocker, what are your strengths?
“My strengths are getting off the ball, meeting the man head up, and my kick-step.”
Which game this season was a challenge for you going up against a defensive lineman or linebacker, but that challenge helped make you better?
“Narbonne. It was easy getting to second level and getting on their linebackers, but the one-on-ones with their defensive linemen was a challenge. I was leaning too much and I was not sticking to the rules well. It was a good learning experience.”
What are you going to work on this offseason to improve your technique?
“My kick-step, hand placement – that needs to improve on my pass block, and getting faster and stronger.”
Are you working with an offensive line coach?
“Yes, sir. Coach Terry from St. Paul.”
Are you starting to receive recruiting interest?
“Yes, sir. I am receiving interest from Fresno State.”
Nice. Off the field, what kind of guy are you?
“I am a fun guy to be around. I am nice to everyone. I like meeting new people.”
Last question. Is there a special skill or talent you have that most people would be surprised to know?
“I can cook.”
Shancco, I appreciate your time today. Good luck with your offseason workouts.
Photo credit:; Shancco Matautia