Update Interview with 2020 California CB Donj’Rael Brooks

Written by Ryan Wright
Twitter: @RyanWrightRNG
The 2018 season for Upland High School was a success in more ways than one. The uber talented roster posted a 12-3 record marching through their California Division II schedule claiming a title making a trip to state. The team effort for the Highlanders will be remember along with those who stepped up making a key impact throughout the season. One of those who stepped up, and at a new position, was rising Class of 2020 cornerback Donj’rael Brooks.
Brooks came up through the ranks as a receiver but made the switch before his junior campaign to corner, taking to the new role quickly. He earned a reputation as a hard-hitting run stopping corner who was making athletic plays on passing downs swatting away passes as they came his way. Now the 5-11, 165-pound, defender has his sights locked in on being a next level defensive back putting in the extra hours this spring to ensure his goals.
In an RNG catch-up interview, I spent time with Brooks covering the start of his 7v7 season with Premium, his performance at the Nike Opening Regional, and got an update on his growing recruiting prospects.
Donj’Rael, the Highlanders got after it last season winning a CIF title. What was that run like for you personally?
“I didn’t expect us to go that far. We were excited to get that win. I was excited for my team.”
The schedule was loaded with tough teams, how did playing against top competition push your skills forward?
“Some high school teams, they don’t play any good teams during the season like we do. We played La Habra, Mission Viejo, and Rancho Cucamonga. Playing those tough teams, it makes you better and gets you ready for the playoffs.”
In which ways did your game show improvement last season at corner?
“My game improved a lot. I was switching from receiver to corner. I feel like I became more physical and more determined. I feel like my cover skills got better. My cover skills still needs some work, but that is my focus this offseason.”
Where all might we see you on the field during your senior season?
“I will start on both sides, at receiver and as a defensive back. But, mostly my focus will be as a defensive back. That is my main position now.”
You mentioned your cover skills, what all are you working on this offseason?
“My cover skills and I am in the weight room heavy. I want to be 175 to 180 pounds before the season starts.”
Which 7v7 team are you competing with this spring?
What kind of workouts are you doing with Premium this offseason?
“I am playing with Premium IE (Inland Empire). On Tuesday and Thursday, I got to their facility in Claremont for extra work. It is a good workout for an hour. It helps keep me in shape and helps with my hips and footwork. We do a lot of conditioning work.”
I saw you at the Nike Opening Regional in Los Angeles, how did that camp go for you?
“It went well. I liked my performance there. For the first eight reps, I went undefeated against the top guys. That boosted my confidence. It does not get better than that going up against the best of the best in California and along the west coast.”
Are you going to any other national camps and/or combines this spring?
“I am going to the Under Armour All-American Camp.”
Going into recruiting, I know you have an offer from Nevada. Which other schools are showing interest in you?
“I am receiving interest from Colorado, Wyoming, Washington State, Notre Dame, Utah, and Oregon State.”
Nice. Do you have any planned visits set for this spring?
“In March, I am going to Arizona State.”
Last couple of questions. What is motivating you this offseason through all your workouts?
“I want to get to college and play in the NFL. I want to get a good education and earn my four-year degree. I feel like I have a chance to make it to the league. I feel like I have good athletic ability. That is what motivates me.”
I like it. If all goes to plan this offseason, what will you have accomplished?
“Proving people wrong that I can switch from one position to another and be just as great.”
Donj’rael, great catching up with you today. Good luck with your offseason workouts and upcoming 7v7 tournaments.
“Thank you.”
Photo credit: recruitingnewsguru.com; Upland pre-game